Village news

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Levens Community Project - Summer 2024 update

Levens Community Project - Summer 2024 update

In the previous issue, the project was pleased to report that it had issued invitations to tender to several building contractors for the construction phase for the new village hall and the affordable houses. That process has gone well and each of the five contractors approached has submitted quotes for consideration.

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Coronation Community Orchard
parish council, greening levens Tom Hecht parish council, greening levens Tom Hecht

Coronation Community Orchard

In late April 2024, Levens Jubilee (Coronation) Orchard project was awarded £4,500 from the Westmorland & Furness, Coronation Community Orchard Fund.

Work towards levelling the site on Underhill next to the affordable homes plot and preparing for seeding, planting fruit trees with appropriate tree supports and guards should start quite soon.

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20mph speed limit? The latest from Levens Parish Council
parish council Dave Rogerson parish council Dave Rogerson

20mph speed limit? The latest from Levens Parish Council

On 15th February 2024 Levens Parish formally submitted its request and application to be considered for the next stage of the W & F 20mph scheme.

Late in 2023 Westmorland and Furness Council (W&FC) launched a scheme to enable local communities to apply for 20-mph zones on roads in suitable locations. The focal point for the scheme is the local Parish Council which must pass a resolution expressing interest in the scheme.

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Cotes woodland maintenance - Spring 2024 update
parish council Tom Hecht parish council Tom Hecht

Cotes woodland maintenance - Spring 2024 update

Residents will have noted the work done on Parish Council woodland at Cotes. This work was not commissioned by the Parish Council (which is not allowed to fell trees within a set distance of power lines) but was undertaken as part of its maintenance responsibilities by Electricity NorthWest Ltd (ENWL).

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Levens Emergency Plan
parish council Dave Rogerson parish council Dave Rogerson

Levens Emergency Plan

Levens needs an emergency plan!

Would you be willing to lead a community-based initiative to ensure the well-being of vulnerable people in an emergency?

Representatives of the community have come together to consider how local people can work together to be better prepared and support each other in the first 48 hours of a local emergency - such as power-loss in severe weather, flooding or road closures due to gales.

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