Summer 2023 parish council newsletter
Chairman’s comments
Welcome to this Summer edition of the Parish Council Newsletter. At the Annual Parish Council Meeting in May, I was re-elected as Chair and Councillor Roger Mason was re-elected as Vice Chair. As I said in the annual village meeting back in March, I thank my fellow Councillors for everything they do to support our village.
On April 1st the Westmorland and Furness Council came into being; replacing SLDC and Cumbria County Council. The Councillor representing this area on the new Council is Janet Battye who is also a member of our Parish Council. We wish her well in her new role. For the first time in four years we had a ‘proper’ Annual Village Meeting in March, with contributions from most village organisations, which I always enjoy and makes me realise just how much goes on in our village. Thanks to all who came and to Councillor Roger Mason for his update on the new Village Hall project.
May saw us celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III and thanks must go to all involved in the village celebrations, be it the buntings and flags around the bus stop and in other places and properties and the people behind the picnic on the playing fields which was very well supported and which enjoyed good weather.
©Tom Hecht
The observant amongst us will have seen the new Parish Council Noticeboard. We were given a grant towards its cost by Councillor Jim Bland whilst he was our Councillor on the old Cumbria County Council and thank him for the donation. There will be an addition to the Notice Board to commemorate the Coronation of King Charles III.
Work is progressing on the new Village Hall site with the perimeter walls under construction. The north, stone, wall looks very impressive. There is also progress in other areas.
Following an incident in the village the Parish Council wrote to several local cycling clubs asking that they remind their members that we are a village which does not have footpaths on every road. Our concern was appreciated.
We are still trying to find a person who can help us with maintenance / woodland matters etc who is suitably qualified and insured. If you are interested or know someone who might be interested, please get in touch with any of the Parish Councillors or our Clerk Martin Curry.
Please take care, stay safe and do not hesitate to contact any member of the Parish Council if you have any concerns or suggestions to improve our village.
Roger Atfield – Chair Levens Parish Council