Summer 2024 parish council newsletter

Chairman’s comments

An election for Levens Parish Council in May did not take place because there were only seven candidates for the eight places. Susan Bagot did not offer herself for re-election after having been a Parish Councillor for about 40 years and I take this opportunity to sincerely thank her for all those years of service to our village. We will miss her local and countywide knowledge and all her experience gained over that time.

Susie Bagot, 40 years of service to Levens Parish Council - many thanks Susie!


At the first Parish Council Meeting in May I was re-elected as Chair and Councillor and Roger Mason was re-elected as Vice Chair.  In addition, it was agreed to issue a Notice of a Vacancy for a Parish Councillor.

Our application to look into a 20 mile an hour limit in Levens did not succeed in this first round of Westmorland and Furness Council proposals but it will continue to be reviewed.


We all have a duty of care to ensure that hedges / bushes etc on our properties do not obstruct or restrict the width of pavements, roads and footpaths.  This can also affect visibility at road junctions.  At this time of fast plant growth perhaps we should check our gardens and trim back if necessary.

Have you checked if your hedges need trimming back?

To end, I would just like to remind you that you will need to show proof of identity when you vote in the General Election on the 4th July.

Roger Atfield – Chair, Levens Parish Council


Levens Community Project - Summer 2024 update


Levens has a vacancy for a parish councillor