
Tuesday Club

This is a mixed adult social club for anyone interested in meeting others for talks, outings and keeping in touch with village life.

Talks and social events take place on the second Tuesday in the month in Levens Village Hall from 2pm until 4pm. Tea/coffee and biscuits (or cake) are served. Occasional outings are arranged in the summer.

Events are routinely publicised on Levens Village Hall and main village notice boards and on the events page of this site when of particular note.

Contact: Sheila Watson on 015395 60362

The bowling green

Levens Bowling Club

The club has three teams in the Kendal and District League, two teams in the Kendal Seniors League, two teams in the Rothay League and one team in the Lune Valley Floodlit League. We also hold three open competitions each year and three domestic competitions for our own members.

The club will welcome any new members from the village either accomplished bowlers or novices. Due to the range of leagues the club are involved with, all abilities can be catered for.

Levens Good Neighbours

A friendly group of volunteers who live in the village who offer confidential help and support to the people of Levens.

You may need a local lift, a prescription collecting, some shopping, an odd job doing, an emergency child-minder, or just some company and a conversation.

If you need support or help, they are here for everyone, 8:00am to 8:00pm any day of the week.

You can call Levens Good Neighbours on 07908 004672

Levens Playgroup

Levens Playgroup welcomes parents, carers and childminders with babies, toddlers, or pre-school children to come and join them every Monday from 10.00 until around 11.30am.

They meet in Levens Village Hall, in the room downstairs at the back and charge a small fee to cover the cost of room hire, annual insurance and other expenses.

Contact: Shelley Mallinson on 07398 123 079

Levens Arts & Film Society (LAFS)

We are a small group promoting high quality music, theatre and film events at Levens Village Hall. We hire interesting current films and organise top quality acts in cooperation with Highlights North. We also

  • collect, set up and run film equipment

  • arrange publicity and ticket sales

  • provide hospitality for artists

  • provide refreshments/bar/raffle

How to get involved?

Please contact Hugh on 07305 481623

Young Farmers’ Club (Kent Estuary)

Young Farmers is a rural youth organisation for young people across the country aged 10 to 26. Anyone can join Young Farmers, you don’t have to be from a farming background. Young Farmers take part in many activities including visits, talks, sports competitions, charity fund raising and competitions such as public speaking and performing arts.

The Kent Estuary YFC meets weekly at the Gilpin Bridge Inn, Levens on Wednesdays, 7.30pm

1st Levens Brownies

1st Levens Brownies meet every Monday from 5:45pm - 7pm at Levens Village Hall.

Brownies - We do cool stuff’
Brownies are girls aged seven to ten. They become a member of a ‘Six’ and follow a programme called the Brownie Adventure. Brownies opens up a world of exciting challenges, the opportunity to try new things and to make brilliant friends.

New Brownies are very welcome!

Contact: Sarah Dickinson on 07780 091187

Legs Levens

& The Limestone Cowboys Appalachian Dance Team

The team performs traditional music and dance from the Appalachian mountains of America, sometimes referred to as American Old Time music and dance.

If you are interested in joining the team they are happy to teach you to dance – you just need energy and enthusiasm. Dance musicians, playing acoustic, stringed instruments, are also very welcome.

Legs Levens practise in Levens Village Hall every 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesday of each month, from 8–10pm.

Contact: Chris Riley on 07305 658648