Levens Emergency Plan

Levens needs a plan!

Would you be willing to lead a community-based initiative to ensure the well-being of vulnerable people in an emergency?

As a response to the increasing number of significant and damaging weather events, representatives of the community have come together to consider how local people can work together to be better prepared and support each other in the first 48 hours of a local emergency - such as power-loss in severe weather, flooding or road closures due to gales. 

Community-led emergency plans can help to minimise the impact of a local emergency and help communities to recover more quickly.

Several local organisations have already indicated their willingness to be a part of such a scheme, but are looking for someone with a keen interest in supporting others (and particularly the more vulnerable members of the community) to join them and coordinate the work of the existing informal group of volunteers.

If you are interested, please email [email protected]


Be prepared:

  • Arrange with friends or neighbours that you will check on each others in an emergency.

  • Have some basic supplies ready - e.g. bottled water, dried fruit and nuts, protein bars and tinned food.

  • Have sleeping bags or blankets available.

  • Make sure you keep your mobile phone charged and that you have torches that work.

  • If you are elderly or vulnerable register to become a priority customer on-line. Help any elderly or vulnerable neighbours and friends if you can.

  •  Have helpline and emergency numbers handy


Spring 2024 parish council newsletter


Plants on The Green surpasses record for annual fundraising