
We proudly signpost the following notable events taking place in and around Levens Parish.

If you would like to contribute a notable event, please get in touch with the webteam.

Plant sale
to 31 Aug

Plant sale

From Saturday June 6th there will be plants for sale at the Lych Gate of St John's.

This stall will be unmanned and there will be an honesty box for donations. The stall will continue while stocks last. People have already donated some lovely plants so do please come and support us. The stock will change over time as new plants become available so if you don't find something you want the first time, come back again another day! If you have any plants you could donate to the sale, please leave them on the table - we would appreciate ornamental plants and vegetable plants in equal measure!

Enquiries to Pam: 07840 671 286 / [email protected]

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