Levens Methodist Church
About Levens Methodist Church
There have been methodists meeting in Levens for over 200 years, and the present chapel is the second to be built in the village. This chapel is around 114 years old and has been modernised inside some 15 years ago.
The chapel was refurbished in 2020 with new heating, lighting and audio visual resources, as well as a new kitchen. It boasts a large church space and a smaller meeting room, with easy access and toilet facilities and the church are pleased for local people and community groups to use these facilities (see below).
Community links
This service is provided by Grange Post Office on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 13:45 to 16:15 (excluding bank holidays).
Available to coincide with Post Office opening times, this is a friendly drop-in tea and coffee shop with facility to meet and chat with each other and occasional visitors from e.g. Age UK, South Lakeland. There are books and puzzles to borrow too.
A meeting room with up to 20 chairs is available by pre-booking. There are two-tier fees for this room hire according to the purpose and location of the organisation using it.
How to book?
For general enquiries, including booking enquiries please ring Jane Jones on 07875 163418
For enquiries regarding baptisms, weddings, and funerals please ring Rev. David Stretton on 01524 761397
Where is Levens Methodist Church?
Lowgate, Levens, LA8 8NG
Rev. David Stretton - 01524 761397
Church secretary:
Irene McKay - 015395 61881
Irene McKay - 015395 61881
Jane Jones - 07875 163418
Christians Together in Levens (CTiL)
Christians Together in Levens (CTiL) represent the two churches in the village as well as the Roman Catholic Church in Milnthorpe and welcome any Christian denomination to join. They aim to work together to provide a united Christian presence in Levens.
CTiL have a group who meets each Monday morning in the meeting room of the Methodist chapel. All are welcome.